God brings bright, shining hope

🛐 Daily Prayer: "God be thanked for new converts; may they be like fresh blood in the veins of the church, keeping her alive and keeping her active"

Pray with Spurgeon


Sponsored By

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Spurgeon College

The Weekend Edition is sent each Saturday to help you prepare your heart to gather with your church on Sunday.

Join Spurgeon in prayer for the saints and sinners who will hear God's Word at your church tomorrow.


We thank you for the many that are coming in among us fresh from the world. God be thanked for new converts; may they be like fresh blood in the veins of the church, keeping her alive and keeping her active; and may the Spirit of the Lord come down upon pastors and deacons, Sunday School teachers and workers. Let the whole church be enlivened.

Yes, and not this church only, but water all the little hills of Zion with showers from on high. Let the country churches receive a blessed visitation. Let all the churches in foreign lands also be visited by the self-same Comforter; and may there come to your church in these dark and dreary days, bright shining after the rain. May the time of the singing of birds come, and the voice of the turtle be heard in our land!



Thanks to Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College for sponsoring the Weekend Edition.

This month, Midwestern is celebrating Called Out Month — helping you understand and pursue your call to ministry with some great resources and giveaways.

One of these giveaways is a Ministry Bundle Giveaway that includes…

  • MacBook Pro

  • Logos Bible Software Portfolio Library (including more than 3,000 books, commentaries, and ministry resources)

  • 49-volume commentary set (The New International Commentary on the Old Testament and New Testament)


“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace…” (Ephesians 1:7)

Your debt has been paid, and can never be demanded of you. Christ nailed the receipted bill to his cross in the face of heaven and earth and hell. Eternal justice cannot charge you now with sins which were, once for all, charged on your great Substitute, and borne by him. God is not unrighteous first to punish Christ and then to punish those for whom Christ died; to take the payment first from Christ and afterwards from you; from the Surety, and then from the debtor. No, no. Rest then in perfect peace.


Being a Good Listener

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson discuss the art of listening. How can we make sure the people in our lives and churches feel heard? And why is that important? Included are some practical tips for becoming better listeners.


What Jesus purchased is precious. We've made it our purpose. Midwestern Seminary exists for the church, and we serve the church by biblically educating God-called men and women to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ. If you're called to serve the church, train with us, for the Church.