God, be at work in my church

🛐 Daily Prayer: "We pray with great earnestness that you would bless our church."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


We pray with great earnestness that you would bless our church. We thank you for additions made to our members; we pray that they may be good men, and true, holy women, in their very hearts. Lord, keep those that are in membership. Let us not fall; let us not fall. Make us all useful. Keep the church in unity, peace and concord, and give it zeal and passionate longing for the conversion of the souls of men.

O Lord, we do ask you to remember us this weekend, when we come to worship you together, may the Lord be there! And when we gather together may a very large tide of blessing come. May many be brought in who now think nothing of you. While we are preaching, may the Holy Spirit be working, may souls be saved by thousands.



“Instead, we have renounced secret and shameful things, not acting deceitfully or distorting the word of God, but commending ourselves before God to everyone’s conscience by an open display of the truth.” (2 Corinthians 4:2)

Paul’s description of his own ministry and that of Timothy also should be true of every servant of Jesus Christ. There must be no dishonesty, or craftiness, or deceit about the minister of the Word, and it is by the manifestation of the truth that he must commend himself to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. He may not win every man’s approval, yet even those who differ from him must perceive his loyalty to his Lord.


This week, we’re praying for the Bafinda of Pakistan.

Approximately 5.6 million people speak the same language as the Bafinda, Pahari-Potwari, around the world, and yet there is no Bible in their language.

Pray that faithful and qualified Bible translators would go to the Bafinda and translate Scripture into their language.


A Spurgeon newsletter for pastors

Pray with Spurgeon is not my only Spurgeon newsletter — I also have a weekly email for pastors called Shepherding with Spurgeon. Each week, this short email includes encouragement for ministry from Spurgeon (sometimes a warning to avoid specific temptations in ministry, sometimes encouragement to persevere, sometimes practical advice for preaching).

As a pastor, learning from Spurgeon has been a constant encouragement to me and I hope it encourages you too.

If you’re not a pastor, I hope you’ll send your pastors this link to subscribe to Shepherding with Spurgeon.