You have forgiven us; forgive us still

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Our Father, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us; and then point out to us the trespass, and teach our feet to keep the ways of your commandments, and to trespass no more; for our heart is right towards your statutes and we desire holiness."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Lord, many of us have been forgiven years ago. We have walked with you now, with holy joy and confidence, some of us for a quarter of a century and others for more; yet Lord there may be something between us and you even now, and if there be, “Let me know why you prosecute me” (Job 10:2).

If you see in your servants any wrong thing encouraged, any evil desire cherished; if there is anything that we delight in that you do not delight in; if we have any habit which grieves you; if we grieve your Holy Spirit in anything—our Father, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us; and then point out to us the trespass, and teach our feet to keep the ways of your commandments, and to trespass no more; for our heart is right towards your statutes and we desire holiness.



“Completely wash away my guilt and cleanse me from my sin.” (Psalm 51:2)

It is not the punishment he cries out against, but the sin. Many a murderer is more alarmed at the gallows than at the murder which brought him to it. The thief loves the plunder, though he fears the prison. Not so David; he is sick of sin as sin; his loudest outcries are against the evil of his transgression, and not against the painful consequences of it. When we deal seriously with our sin, God will deal gently with us. When we hate what the Lord hates, he will soon make an end of it, to our joy and peace.


This week, the newsletter is focusing on the forgiveness of sins. If you want to deepen your understanding and appreciation of God’s forgiveness of your sins, a great book is By Grace Alone: How the Grace of God Amazes Me by Sinclair Ferguson.

We really do need to re-ground ourselves in the stunning message of God’s glorious goodness and amazing grace every day. This will keep us humble as we remember that Jesus’ grace (not our own goodness) is our only hope. I know this book will be a helpful tool to help you rejoice in God’s never-ending grace — I hope you’ll grab a copy today.