Following Jesus to the most holy place

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Lord Jesus, take everything away from us now that would hinder the closest communion with God."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Lord Jesus, take everything away from us now that would hinder the closest communion with God. Remove any wish or desire that might hamper us in prayer. Any memory of either sorrow or care that might hinder the fixing of our affection wholly on our God, take it away now. What have we to do with idols any more? You have seen and observed us; you know where the difficulty lies. Help us against it, and may we now come boldly, not into the holy place alone, but into the holiest of all, where we should not dare to come if our great Lord had not split the veil, sprinkled the mercy seat with his own blood, and invited us in.



“I tell you, even though he won’t get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his friend’s shameless boldness, he will get up and give him as much as he needs. So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.” (Luke 11:8–9)

See the power of persistent prayer. You, beloved, can have all that you really need for yourselves or others if you will only ask for it in the right way. If, summoning every faculty of your being, you resolve to plead, and plead, and plead yet again and again, and never take “No” for an answer, your heart’s desire shall be granted.


This week, we’re praying for the Takistani of Iran.

The Takistani have become very westernized (e.g., most women no longer wear traditional Muslim clothing/veils). They are open to outside influence, but have never heard the gospel — good news that is counter-cultural to all.

Pray that the good news of Jesus would reach the Takistani.


This Year: Have An Easter of Epic Proportions*

Christ rose as a king — and he rose to bring all of his people home to his Kingdom. If Jesus hadn’t risen from the dead, his kingdom would be defeated (after all, the public execution of the king isn’t usually the best way to inaugurate a kingdom) — but because death is defeated forever in the cross of Christ, he rose victoriously and his kingdom is alive.

The resurrection of Jesus isn’t just good news for Easter — it’s good news for every day that Jesus is seated on the throne (which is every day! 🙌). Easter is just an annual reminder that the resurrection of Jesus is the center of our faith.

This year, I’m looking forward to preparing for Easter by using a NEW devotional by Spurgeon — The Risen King. This 40-day journey through the life of Jesus features a simple reading from the life Gospels (with incredible teaching from Spurgeon) each day. It all leads to the empty tomb and the celebration of new life in the risen Lord Jesus!

This devotional is challenging, comforting, and convicting all at once. J.A. Medders did a fantastic job collecting some of the greatest Spurgeon excerpts available.

Each day’s reading ends with a simple reflection point and a prompt for prayer. These really help bring the teaching home.

This month only (ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT!),The Risen King is available for 25% off for Pray with Spurgeon readers. If you order your copy at the link in my bio using code SPURGEON, you’ll save on the book and get the ebook for free.

Grab a copy for yourself to better enjoy Easter this year.

Buy a copy for a friend to help inspire greater faith this year.