Fill our hearts with love for God

🛐 Daily Prayer: "We wish especially that in the hearts of your own there may be an intense love for you and a perfect obedience to you. Grant this to each one of us."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Holy Spirit teach us how to pray. Let us know what we should pray for as we ought. Our first prayer is: Be adored; reign over the whole earth; hallowed be your name. We desire to see all men submit themselves to your gracious government. We wish especially that in the hearts of your own there may be an intense love for you and a perfect obedience to you. Grant this to each one of us. We would each one pray, “Lord, sanctify me; make me obedient; write your law upon my heart and upon my mind.” Make our nature so clean that temptation cannot defile it.



“LORD, remember David… and how he swore an oath to the LORD, making a vow to the Mighty One of Jacob…” (Psalm 132:1–2)

Note, upon this verse, that the Lord was the God of Jacob, the same God evermore; that he had this for his attribute, that he is mighty—mighty to help his Jacobs who put their trust in him, though their afflictions be many. He is, moreover, specially the Mighty One of his people; he is the God of Jacob in a sense in which he is not the God of unbelievers.


Happy Valentine’s Day — Here’s a Resource for Husbands

Today is a great day to celebrate love and (for those of us who are married) to evaluate our own marriage in light of God’s call on our lives. Husbands, we are called to lay down our lives in service for our wives — how can we grow to be the sacrificial leader that God has called us to be?

I’ve created a resource, The God Centered Husband Bible Study Workbook to help husbands understand God’s call on their lives and equip them to follow it. 

This is a simple, hands-on Bible study workbook for married guys. It will walk you through six passages of Scripture about being a husband and challenge you to serve your wife sacrificially, lead her consistently, and show her the character of God.

Use it on your own, in a small group, or one-on-one. Grab a copy for yourself and a friend.