Fill the church with light and life

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Let us not get to be busy here and there with Martha, and forget to sit at your feet with Mary."

Pray with Spurgeon


Sponsored By

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Spurgeon College

The Weekend Edition is sent each Saturday to help you prepare your heart to gather with your church on Sunday.

Join Spurgeon in prayer for the saints and sinners who will hear God's Word at your church tomorrow.


Once more we pray, bless your church. Lord quicken the spiritual life of believers. You have given to your church great activity, for which we thank you. May that activity be supported by a corresponding inner life. Let us not get to be busy here and there with Martha, and forget to sit at your feet with Mary.

Lord, restore to your church the love of strong doctrine. May your truth yet prevail. Purge out from among your church those who would lead others away from the truth as it is in Jesus, and give back the old power and something more. Give us Pentecost; yes, many Pentecosts in one, and may we live to see your church shine forth clear as the sun and fair as the moon, and terrible as an army with banners.



February is Spurgeon College Month at Midwestern Seminary. Spurgeon College is for students who are called to live for God’s Kingdom, whether in the market-place, mission field, or ministry.

Throughout the month, you can join in the celebration in three ways:

  1. Enter to win a college starter kit (including an iPad Pro, a Fjällräven backpack, and a $1,000 scholarship)

  2. Apply to Spurgeon College with code SPURGEON24 and get a free sweatshirt.

  3. Check out free resources from Spurgeon College to discover how you can live for the Kingdom.


“He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one appointed by God to be the judge of the living and the dead.” (Acts 10:42)

It is as Son of man as well as Son of God that our Lord will judge the world at the last great day. Be ye sure, then, of his impartiality. He is God, yet man, having an intense sympathy both with the King and with the subjects, having manifested his grace even to the rebellious, and being yet filled with intense love to the Father and his law. If we could have the election of a judge, what being could we suppose more impartial or so impartial as the Lord, who, though he counted it not robbery to be equal with God, yet made himself of no reputation, and took upon himself the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of sinful flesh? O blessed Judge, be thou at once enthroned by the choice of the whole creation!


The Story of God’s Glory in Christ

The flow of God’s saving purposes in history demands that Christian Old Testament interpretation starts and ends with Christ. He is the hub around which all else turns and the measure upon which all else is weighed.


What Jesus purchased is precious. We've made it our purpose. Midwestern Seminary exists for the church, and we serve the church by biblically educating God-called men and women to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ. If you're called to serve the church, train with us, for the Church.