Fighting Satan with holy joy

🛐 Daily Prayer: "We defy Satan with a holy joy which does not come from the creature and which the creature cannot mar."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Oh, that we might have the kind of fellowship with God this morning that we might defy Satan, defy unbelief, defy the flesh, and defy the world with a holy joy which does not come from the creature and which the creature cannot mar—a “joy unspeakable and full of glory,” a drink from of the eternal fountains, which well up from the deep in the immutable and everlasting love and decree of God. Oh, let it be so with every child of yours at this good hour.



“The Son of God was revealed for this purpose: to destroy the devil’s works.” (1 John 3:8)

It was in his death that Jesus chiefly overthrew Satan and destroyed his works. Satan built his strategy on this—that man had become offensive to God and God must punish him. That punishment was his hope for the continuance of alienation.

Behold, the great Son of God takes the offender’s place! Marvel of marvels, the Judge stands where the criminal should have stood and is “counted with the transgressors” (Isaiah 53:12)! Behold, the wrath of God falls upon his well-beloved and Jesus suffers that he may reconcile man to his God and heal the breach that sin had caused. The deed was done. Man is no more offensive to heaven, for one glorious man’s boundless merit has put away the demerit of the race.


Fight Satan with the Word of God

This week, we are focusing our prayers on God’s power over Satan. In our battle with Satan, the outcome is secure, but that doesn’t mean Christians will not be impacted by demonic activity today. Often, our eyes are closed to the very real spiritual battle happening around us (and even in our hearts).

Beyond the Vale: Forty Days to Spiritual Freedom by Luke Bray is a sound and practical devotional resource to help you understand the Bible’s teaching on spiritual warfare and the power that God has given us to silence demons using prayer and Bible reading.

I know this book will be a blessing to you, so I hope you’ll grab a copy today.