Evangelism is hopeless without God.

🛐 Daily Prayer: "May the whole earth know you, exalted one. By the merit of your passion, we beg the Father to glorify you."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

Thanks for praying with us this week. We’ll be back on Monday.


Lord Jesus, reign in the hearts of our young children, of our husbands, wives, brethren, friends, and families. Lord, rule in the hearts of our neighbors. Lord Jesus, save London! Lord Jesus, look at this United Kingdom. Look at all the kingdoms and republics of the earth. May the whole earth know you, exalted one. By the merit of your passion, we beg the Father to glorify you. Father, glorify your Son, that your Son also may glorify you. And unto Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be glory forever and ever, world without end.



“Now we have this treasure in clay jars, so that this extraordinary power may be from God and not from us.” (2 Corinthians 4:7)

The most earnest and faithful minister of the gospel must ever remember that humbling truth. He has this precious treasure of the gospel entrusted to his charge; he knows he has it, and he means to keep it safely; but, still, he is nothing but an earthen vessel, easily broken, soon marred,—a poor depository for such priceless truth.

If angels had been commissioned to preach the gospel, we might have attributed some of its power to their superior intelligence; but when God selects, as he always does, earthen vessels, then the excellency of the power is unquestionably seen to be of God, and not of us.


This week, we’re praying for the Harzani of Iran.

When Christ was born, wise men from other countries came to worship him. Even as a baby, Christ was worthy of worship from every tribe, tongue, and nation.

Pray that the Harzani would worship Christ forever.


Sharing Joy with Those Who Have None

Joy is one of the most incredible promises that God gives us. As we invite others to follow Jesus, we are inviting them to a life of infinite joy in God. A great book to help you understand the unique role that joy has in the Christian life and evangelism is Apatheism: How We Share When They Don’t Care by Kyle Beshears.

This book is presented as a manual for sharing Jesus with people that couldn’t care less about him, but really it’s a call for Christians to recover true joy in God — the kind of joy that will propel us to our neighbors and draw them in to learn more.

If you want to grow in evangelism, motivated by joy and not guilt, this book will be a game-changer. Apatheism has been an incredible challenge and encouragement to me, and I know it will bless you too.