Dead to sin, alive to righteousness

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Give us a life of pure holiness; such a life as the incarnate God himself has lived among the sons of men."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


We ask you, Lord, to enable us to recognize our death to sin; and when sin tempts us may we be deaf to the voice of the charmer with the deafness of death; and when it would use our members as instruments of unrighteousness, may we be quite incapable of unrighteousness because we are dead to it.

Oh God, deliver us from the invasion of sin as well as from the dominion of it. Grant us to walk as Christ walked; in his newness of life may we live—may the life in the flesh be a life of faith in the Son of God who loved us and gave himself for us; and may it be a life of love, and consecration of burning zeal for God; a life of pure holiness; such a life as the incarnate God himself has lived among the sons of men.



“So, you too consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, so that you obey its desires.” (Romans 6:11–12)

This is the great fact that you are ever to remember, you are now an altogether new man. In Christ Jesus, you have died, and been buried, and have risen again. Surely you will not now have anything to do with sin, will you? You must hate it, for it has done you such serious mischief. It was sin that slew you in the person of your Substitute and Saviour; but, now, you have been born again, and you are a new man in Christ Jesus. 

As a reigning king, sin is dead to you, and you to it; but, as a sneaking outlaw, sin is still lurking within your soul. It is plotting and planning to get back its former dominion over you, and not merely plotting and planning, but it is also warring and fighting to that end.


How God’s grace helps you grow

As you make plans to fight sin, do not slide into self-reliance. God saved you by grace, and he is going to help you grow by grace too.

We ask God to help us grow in holiness, because we know that God’s grace doesn’t just save us from sin, it also gives us the power that we need to slay sin. The work of growing in godliness is a work of cooperation between us and God’s grace.

One of my all-time favorite books is The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges. This book explains how God’s grace empowers Christians to slay sin and grow in godliness. It is one of the helpful, practical, and encouraging books that I have ever read! If you want to grow in godliness, start with The Discipline of Grace.