We come to worship God

🛐 Daily Prayer: "May there be going up this day sweet incense of praise laid by holy hands, privately upon the altar of God. May this place be filled with the smoke thereof, not perhaps to the consciousness of every one, but to the acceptance of God who shall smell a sweet savor of rest in Christ, and then in the praises of his people in him."

Pray with Spurgeon


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Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Spurgeon College

The Weekend Edition is sent each Saturday to help you prepare your heart to gather with your church on Sunday.

Join Spurgeon in prayer for the saints and sinners who will hear God's Word at your church tomorrow.


O Lord, your works praise you, but your saints bless you; and this shall be our heaven; yes, our heaven of heavens eternally, to praise and magnify the great and ever blessed God. May many a woman and man break forth this day and say, with the virgin of old, “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior.”

May there be going up this day sweet incense of praise laid by holy hands, privately upon the altar of God. May this place be filled with the smoke thereof, not perhaps to the consciousness of every one, but to the acceptance of God who shall smell a sweet savor of rest in Christ, and then in the praises of his people in him.



February is Spurgeon College Month at Midwestern Seminary. Spurgeon College is for students who are called to live for God’s Kingdom, whether in the market-place, mission field, or ministry.

Throughout the month, you can join in the celebration in three ways:

  1. Enter to win a college starter kit (including an iPad Pro, a Fjällräven backpack, and a $1,000 scholarship)

  2. Apply to Spurgeon College with code SPURGEON24 and get a free sweatshirt.

  3. Check out free resources from Spurgeon College to discover how you can live for the Kingdom.


"Then I saw heaven opened, and there was a white horse. Its rider is called Faithful and True, and with justice he judges and makes war." (Revelation 19:11)

Our Lord is here described as sitting upon a gallant steed, charging his foes upon a snow-white horse. This means that Christ is honored now. He is no weary, dusty, fainting footman now, I warrant you. Pilate and Herod rode the high horse, and Jesus walked in pain and dishonor. But now, like a greater Mordecai, he rides on the King’s horse, for this is the man whom the King delights to honor. In royal state our Jesus goes forth to war, not as a common soldier, but as a glorious prince, royally mounted.


Tips for Delighting in the Old Testament

The OT is Christian Scripture, and we can enjoy it best when we approach it through Christ and for Christ. The OT magnifies Jesus in numerous ways, and his person and work clarify how to rightly discern the continuities and discontinuities of salvation history. Through the light and lens that Christ supplies, Christians can enjoy in the same God and the same good news in both Testaments.


What Jesus purchased is precious. We've made it our purpose. Midwestern Seminary exists for the church, and we serve the church by biblically educating God-called men and women to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ. If you're called to serve the church, train with us, for the Church.