Cleansed by Christ to come boldly to God

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Before a blood-sprinkled mercy seat, washed and cleansed, we pour out our prayers and praises."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

Thanks for praying with us this week. We’ll be back on Monday.


Oh savior, repeat for us what you did to the twelve disciples when you took a towel and basin and washed their feet. And when that was done you told them that “one who has bathed doesn’t need to wash anything except his feet, but he is completely clean” (John 13:10). Oh, let your children be in that condition this morning—clean everywhere—and may they know it; and thus being clean may they have boldness to enter into the Holy of Holies by the blood of Christ; and may they now come and stand where the cherubim once were, where the glory still shines forth. And may we before a blood-sprinkled mercy seat, ourselves washed and cleansed, pour out our prayers and praises.



“Then Jesus answered him, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ ‘Rabboni,’ the blind man said to him, ‘I want to see.’” (Mark 10:5)

If you would succeed in prayer, you must be bold; you must lay aside your modesty. If you had to ask of Christ only what you deserve, it would not take you long, for you deserve nothing but his wrath. Therefore, do not begin to ask on the ground of merit; and inasmuch as you deserve nothing, yet want everything, go in and be a bold beggar, and say, “Lord, save me, today.”


This week, we’re praying for the Takistani of Iran.

Psalm 86:9 celebrates, “All the nations you have made will come and bow down before you, Lord, and will honor your name.” No Takistani have ever bowed down before the Lord Jesus or honored his name. They cannot come to him because they have never heard of him.

Pray that Jesus would finally receive the glory he deserves from the Takistani.


LAST DAY: Save on this new Spurgeon devotional*

If you’re looking for a solid resource to help you better enjoy the power of Jesus’ cross and empty tomb, I highly recommend The Risen King, a new book by Charles Spurgeon.

This 40-day devotional walks through the ministry of Jesus, culminating with his resurrection. Each day, you’ll get a few verses of Scripture and a short reflection by Spurgeon.

This devotional was designed to be read in preparation for Easter, but since Jesus is alive 365 days each year, you can really read it any time. The content is so timeless and powerful.

If your walk with the Lord is feeling stale, this short daily reading from Spurgeon will definitely invigorate it again as he points you to Jesus and calls you to trust his grace every day.

For just ONE  MORE DAY, the Good Book Company has made it available for 25% off for Pray with Spurgeon subscribers — just order your copy right here using code SPURGEON.

The Risen King has already been a powerful source of encouragement for me and I know it will encourage you as well.