Christ is our teacher

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Lord educate us for a higher life, and let that life be begun here."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

Thanks for praying with us this week. (We’ll be back on Monday!)


Lord educate us for a higher life, and let that life be begun here. May we be always in the school, always disciples, and when we are out in the world may we be trying to put in practice what we have learned at Jesus’ feet. What he tells us in darkness may we proclaim in the light, and what he whispers in our ear in the closets may we sound forth upon the housetops.



“They were to rise and tell their children so that they might put their confidence in God and not forget God’s works, but keep his commands.” (Psalm 78:6–7)

Blessed be God that, in place of oral tradition only, we now have the less mutable testimony of written revelation, but this by no means lessens our obligation to instruct our children in divine truth by word of mouth; rather, with such a gracious help, we ought to teach them far more fully the things of God. The more of parental teaching the better; ministers and Sunday school teachers were never meant to be substitutes for mothers’ tears and fathers’ prayers.


Teaching Jesus this school year

If your kids only learn reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic this year, their school year will be a tragedy. We need to point our kids to lasting, eternal joys in Christ; not just facts that could boost their SAT scores.

My series of family devotionals, God Centered Family, is all about long-term faith, not quick results. These devotionals seek to lay three crucial foundations for a life of discipleship:

  • Bible Habits — Cultivate a daily habit of Bible reading that will follow your kids for the rest of their lives.

  • Bible Knowledge — By reading the ENTIRE Bible every three years, you’ll give your kids a thorough biblical literacy that will protect your kids from false teaching and sin.

  • Bible Skills — Don’t make your kids sit through the Bible — train them to engage with the Bible, ask good questions, and dive deep.

In a world of distractions, kids need the Bible more than anything. Parents, you are better equipped than anyone to teach it to them. Get everything you need from God Centered Family.