Only Christ can save

🛐 Daily Prayer: "We trust not in music, nor education, nor in civilization, nor in anything but the distinct power of the Holy Spirit"

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


May your will be done, oh Lord, on earth, as it is in heaven. That would make earth a lower-heaven. We ask you God that men would give up their own wills, their own lustings, their own pride, and follow after God and be obedient. Holy Spirit, you alone can do this. All the eloquence of preachers will affect nothing without the Holy Spirit. We trust not in music, nor education, nor in civilization, nor in anything but the distinct power of the Holy Spirit, working in men to will and to work God’s own good pleasure. Our Father, take your great power to yourself. You are Lord of all, and even the will of man which you have made so free, is in bonds until you are Master of it, and then, when it is in bond to you, it becomes alone truly free.



“… he commanded our ancestors to teach to their children so that a future generation— children yet to be born—might know. They were to rise and tell their children” (Psalm 78:5–6)

As far as our brief life allows us to arrange, we must industriously provide for the godly nurture of youth. The narratives, commands, and doctrines of the word of God are not worn out; they are calculated to exert an influence as long as our race shall exist. The testimony is given that it may be passed on to succeeding generations.


Understand and Apply Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John*

A fantastic resource for a deep, devotional study of the four Gospels has always been JC Ryle’s “Expository Thoughts on the Gospels.”

In these incredible volumes, Ryle walks through every passage of the Gospels and offers helpful commentary to understand and apply them.

JC Ryle was a contemporary of Spurgeon, who described him as “a man of kindred spirit.” These really are trustworthy books!

Thankfully, the great people at 10ofThose are publishing an updated version of this valuable series. This faithful update makes the series more readable for today’s Christians without losing any of Ryle’s boldness or clarity.

They have put together a stunning seven-volume set that contains the whole series, unabridged. This will be an invaluable resource for sermon preparation, Bible study, and devotional reading.

Walking through the Gospels with Ryle can be a life-changing experience. You’ll definitely want to pre-order this series.

OR you can enter to win a FREE set! 10ofThose is giving away one free set. Enter to win today!

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