Boldly approach God

šŸ› Daily Prayer: "Because of Jesus, we might not be driven away with terror, but may be drawn near with family love and holy boldness."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

This week, our prayers and Scripture readings each day will focus on boldness in prayer. Next week, weā€™ll highlight a different theme. Invite a friend to pray with you by sending them this link.


Blessed God, Father, Son, and Spirit, our whole spirit would worship you. We have such knowledge of your goodness that we will not be overawed by your greatness; such a sense of your nearness in the person of Jesus Christ, the Man, the Branch, that we might not be driven away with terror, but may be drawn near with family love and holy boldness.

Lord, there was once a great gulf between us, but you have bridged that gulf; for now the Lord Jesus Christ is brother to our souls, yet is he Son of the Highest; truly man, yet truly God, he is the Interpreter, one of a thousand, the daysman, who lays his hand upon us today. Oh how we rejoice in Christ and you rejoice in him too. We long to glorify him and you delight to glorify your Son. We would set him on high and you have set him ā€œfar above every ruler and authority, power and dominion, and every title givenā€ (Ephesians 1:21).



ā€œTherefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need.ā€ (Hebrews 4:16)

We have a friend at court; our bridegroom is on the throne. He who reigns in heaven loves us better than we love ourselves. Come, then, why should we hesitate, why should we delay our approach to his throne of mercy? What is it that we want at this moment? Let us ask for it. If it is a time of need, then we see clearly from this verse that it is a time when we are permitted and encouraged to pray.


This week, weā€™re praying for the Takistani of Iran.

The Takistani are a group of 411,000 Muslims living in Northwestern Iran. There are zero Christians among them and no Bible in their language.

Pray that God would send missionaries to the Takistani.


The book that taught me to pray boldly

This week, as we focus on the theme of boldness in prayer, Iā€™m very thankful for the lessons I learned through the book A Praying Life by Paul Miller. This book has a radical message, inviting us to let go of our cynicism and pray with childlike faith, boldly asking God.

A Praying Life is a great, encouraging book on Christian prayer. Miller describes prayer in a way that is thoroughly biblical and incredibly desirable.

If you want to pray more boldly, I know that A Praying Life will be a blessing to you.