Anything good comes from God through Jesus by the Spirit

🛐 Daily Prayer: "We steal your power and call it our own until you compel us to say that we have no strength in ourselves. Now, Lord, we acknowledge that all good must come from you, through Jesus Christ by your Spirit."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


We steal your power and call it our own until you compel us to say that we have no strength in ourselves. Now, Lord, we acknowledge that all good must come from you, through Jesus Christ by your Spirit, if we could ever receive it. And we come humbly, first of all acknowledging our many sins. How many they are we cannot calculate, how black they are, how deep their ill-desert; yet we do confess that we have sinned ourselves into hopeless misery, unless your free undeserved grace rescues us from it.

Lord, we thank you for any signs of repentance—give us more of it. Lay us low before you under a consciousness of our undeserving state. Let us feel and mourn the atrocity of our guilt. Oh God, we know a tender heart must come from you. By nature our hearts are stony, and we are proud and self-righteous.



“Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 12:4)

Whatever our gifts as a church, or as individuals, may be, they all come from the same Spirit. This should tend to promote unity amongst us. Let us all trace whatever gift we have to the hand that gave it, and to the Spirit that brought it about in our lives; let us feel that we are so many pipes connected with one fountain; and, therefore, as all the good that we convey comes from the one source, let us give all the honor and glory of it to the Spirit of God from whom it comes.


I’ve said it before in this newsletter, I love the Do Great Things for God picture books, each of which tells the story of a Christian woman who bravely followed God and proclaimed Christ. I was thankful to receive a review copy of the latest book in the series, Fannie Lou Hamer: The Courageous Woman Who Marched for Dignity, which tells the story of a brave civil rights and pro-life activist. This is a great book that will help you introduce kids 4+ to complicated topics and encourage them to defend the innocent. I hope you’ll add it to your family’s library today.